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Mastering Gitpod for Magento 2 development
Welcome! (1:25)
Why use Gitpod to replace local Magento development?
What you'll need for this course
Section summary
Getting Started
Clone the Develo starter Repository
Creating a private fork so your repositories are not public
Why so many changed files?
Your new Cloud IDE
Understanding the Gitpod build process
Adjusting Magento for Gitpod
Handling remote Media and Database files on build
Accessing remote Media
Not requiring a local Media folder
Improving the Developer Experience
VSCode & IDE plugins
Increase Default Workspace Timeout
Mailpit email catcher (2:06)
Gitpod with an existing Magento project
Using Xdebug with Magento
Using PHPStorm with Gitpod
I’ve clicked the Gitpod button but Gitpod fails to open.
Magento Fails to start
Section summary
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